Associations between ventilation and mycological parameters in homes of children with respiratory problems
Hans Schleibinger, Daniel Aubin, Doyun Won, Wenping Yang, Denis Gauvin, Pierre Lajoie
The Penetration of Mold Into Fibrous HVAC Insulation Makes Cleaning Impossible
Thomas G. Rand and Phil Morey
Past, Presence and Future of Immunoassays for Mycotoxin Testing
Erwin Maertlbauer
Health risks of surface disinfection in households with special consideration on quaternary ammonium
compounds (QACs)
Axel Kramer, Harald Below and Ojan Assadian
Toxicity study of field samples from water damaged houses in flooded areas in Poland
Magdalena Twarużek, Jan Grajewski, Manfred Gareis
Mycotoxin screening of indoor environments in sentinel health
Eckardt Johanning, Manfred Gareis.
A Comparison of two Sampling Media (MEA and DG18) for Environmental Viable Molds 201
Sirkku Häkkilä
Evaluation strategy in damp buildings and use of infrared thermography 207
Yves Frenette
Prevalence of mold observations in European housing stock
Ulla Haverinen-Shaughnessy
Indoor Molds and Respiratory Hypersensitivity: A Comparison of Selected Molds and House Dust Mite Induced
Responses in a Mouse Model
Marsha D W Ward, Yong Joo Chung, Lisa B Copeland, Don Doerfler and Stephen Vesper
What does the development of fungal systematics mean to DNA-based methods for indoor mold investigations?
De-Wei Li and Chin S. Yang
Case study: Determination of moisture damages on items of art in exhibitions by the use of microbial
Judith Mueller and Urban Palmgren
Investigation of effectiveness of mold disinfectants and chemicals on total cell numbers of mold on
building materials 253
Judith Mueller and Urban Palmgren
Microbiological characterization of aerosols isolated from remote lakes in the Chilean Patagonia
Escalante G, León C, Campos V, Urrutia R and Mondaca MA.
Use of Culture and PCR Analysis in Mold Assessments
Philip R. Morey
Factors promoting the exposure to bioaerosols among swiss crop workers
Hélène Niculita-Hirzel and Anne Oppliger
The investigation of mold occurrence inside selected Durban homes
Nkala BA, Jafta N and Gqaleni N
Conserving our cultural heritage: the role of fungi in biodeterioration
Hanna Szczepanowska and A. Ralph Cavaliere